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Vol. 1, Issue 3, 2013 - Hyperion Economic Journal

Table of Contents:

Research articles

Economic growth, openness and foreign direct investment in oil-rich countries
Mehrara Mohsen, Rahmani Teymur, Vajari Arghavan Novin

pp. 3-8

The Application of a Grey Markov Model in forecasting the Errors of EIA’s projections in Gas Production and Energy Intensity
Iranmanesh Seyed Hossein, Kordnoori Shaghayegh, Mostafaei Hamidreza

pp. 9-17

The Effects of Oil Price Shocks on real GDP in Iran
Larijani Mohammad Taghi Khosravi, Karsalari Abbas Rezazadeh, Aghaee Mehdi

pp. 18-29

A Multidimensional Analysis of Social Vulnerability
Balan Mariana

pp. 30-39

Young researchers

Marketing Strategy Formulation for the Introduction of Eukula Strato German Wood Finishes in Local Market of Emerging Indian Economy
Shekhar Suraj Kushe, Mehaboob P K

pp. 40-47
Sustainability of National Cohesion
Cristea Andrei Mihai, Iacob Oana Camelia, Volintiru Ana-Maria, Marin Aurel 
pp. 48-55
An Inquiry into the Characteristics, Applicability and Prerequisites of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) Solutions in Transport Networks and Logistics
Balint Ovidiu Antoniu 
pp. 56-64
Reality of a Sustainable Economy
Dumitrescu Miron, Vidrașcu Paula-Angela, Niculescu Mihaela Daniela, Țăranu Șerban 
pp. 65-74


Analysis and Forecast of the Youth Inclusion on the Labor Market Determining Factors in Romania and their Impact on the Social and Economic Development of the Society
Bălan Mariana, Scutaru-Ungureanu Cornelia, Uzlău Carmen, Radu Brînduşa Mihaela, Bilevsky Gabriela

pp. 75-82


 Download the entire volume - HEJ no.3(1), September 2013