Table of Contents:
Research articles
Public employees perception of teleworking and internal communication in the public institutions during the pandemic generated by SARS-COV2 virus Mutu Miruna Angela
pp. 3-14 |
A New Approach to the Conflict-Change-Creativity Relationship in a Pandemic Context Constanta Popescu, Ana-Maria Nicolae, Iuliana Mihai, Iulia Maria Gandea
pp. 15-24 |
Accounting Approach Through the Integrated Information System of Romanian Education (SIIIR) Isabela Stancu, Anda Ileana Necula
pp. 25-32 |
Cloud Accounting the Solution for Multi-Entity Financial Management Raluca Andreea Stoica, Alina Gabriela Mares
pp. 33-38 |
The Role of the Chartered Accountant in Diminishing the Effects of Cyber Fraud Elena-Simona Tache, Amalia-Magdalena Danaila, Monica-Mihaela Dragan
pp. 39-51 |
Globalization Limits and the Elements that Show Globalization as an Outdated Phenomenon Tatiana Tutunaru
pp. 52-57 |
Ottoman State and Romania’s Diplomatic and Commercial Relations Between 1901-1906 Serdar Göktaş, Nilghiun Ismail
pp. 58-69 |
The Role of Controlling as the Basis of Performance-Oriented Management Decisions Cristina Didea (Castrase), Alexandra - Delia Bugnariu, Mihon Simion Iosif
pp. 70-76 |

Download the entire volume - HEJ no.3(8), September 2021