Table of Contents:
Research articles
Methodological Study Regarding the Calculation of Statistical Indices by the Process of Separating the Isolated Action of Each Factor and the Proportional Distribution of the Interaction of the Influencing Factors Nicolae Mihăilescu, Carmen Uzlău, Elena Liliana Coman
pp. 3-18 |
The Socio-Economic Importance of Steel - An Overview of Global Steel Demand Oana Chindriș-Văsioiu
pp. 19-23 |
New Requirements in Intercultural Communication in Economic Affairs
Irina Antoaneta Tănăsescu
pp. 24-32 |
The Role of Digitalization in the Transition Toward Circular Economy Mădălina Tocan |
pp. 33-38 |
Accounting expertise in the national and European context Anca Alexandra Pantazi |
pp. 39-44 |
Socio-Demographic and Behavioral Determinants of Tax Fraud and Tax Evasion
Lia Pricope (Sabou), Sorin Nicolae Borlea
pp. 45-53 |
Investment Trends in the Global, European and Romanian Economies in 2022
Suzana Popa
pp. 54-61 |
Methodologies for Estimating the Financial Working Capital of Economic Operators
Elena Liliana Coman, Adriana Iacob (Zavincu), Ionel Ciobanu
pp. 62-70 |
Optimizing Internal Audit Process for Efficient of Main Activities in Local Administration
Silviu Ionel Stoica, Maria Toma
pp. 71-81 |
After-Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Economy
Bejinariu Dumitru, Elena-Simona Tache (Buzățoiu), Amalia-Magdalena Dănăilă (Calafeteanu), Monica-Mihaela Drăgan (Radu), Loredana Cristina Tănase
pp. 82-89 |

Download the entire volume - HEJ no.2(10), September 2023